How to Download Remote Sensing of the Environment by Jensen for Free
How to Download Remote Sensing of the Environment by Jensen for Free
Remote Sensing of the Environment by John R. Jensen is a comprehensive textbook that covers the principles and applications of remote sensing for earth resource management. The book provides an overview of the history, physics, platforms, sensors, and analysis techniques of remote sensing, as well as examples of its use for mapping and monitoring vegetation, water, soil, urban areas, and natural hazards.
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If you are looking for a free PDF version of this book, you may have a hard time finding it online. According to the publisher's website[^4^], the book is only available in print or as an eTextbook that requires a subscription or purchase. However, there are some possible ways to access the book for free or at a low cost:
You can check if your local library has a copy of the book that you can borrow or request through interlibrary loan.
You can search for used copies of the book on online marketplaces like Amazon, eBay, or AbeBooks.
You can look for free previews or excerpts of the book on Google Books or Scribd[^6^].
You can explore other online resources that offer similar content or topics as the book, such as open access journals, websites, or courses on remote sensing.
Remote Sensing of the Environment by Jensen is a valuable reference for students and professionals who want to learn more about the field of remote sensing. However, if you cannot afford or access the official version of the book, you can still find alternative ways to gain knowledge and skills on this topic.One of the online resources that you can use to learn more about remote sensing is Coursera[^1^]. Coursera is a platform that offers online courses and certifications from top universities and organizations around the world. You can find many courses on remote sensing that cover topics such as:
The fundamentals of remote sensing, such as electromagnetic radiation, spectral signatures, spatial resolution, and image processing.
The applications of remote sensing for various domains, such as agriculture, forestry, hydrology, geology, ecology, and disaster management.
The tools and software for remote sensing analysis, such as ArcGIS, QGIS, Google Earth Engine, Python, and R.
Some of the courses on remote sensing that you can enroll in for free or at a low cost are:
Fundamentals of Remote Sensing by University of Toronto
Geospatial and Environmental Analysis by University of California, Davis
Earth Observation from Space: The Optical View by European Space Agency
Introduction to Satellite Remote Sensing: Theory and Applications by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Remote Sensing Image Acquisition, Analysis and Applications by Nanjing University
By taking these courses, you can gain a solid foundation and practical skills on remote sensing that will help you understand and use the book by Jensen better. 0efd9a6b88