Bob Proctor - Thinking Into Results.torrent __FULL__
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Bob Proctor - Thinking Into Results.torrent __FULL__
i need to be more direct with just a couple of people, i dont want to publicly blast someone who, like you, is just getting started. but, this stuff is really complicated and when i wrote my book, i had to kind of sift through all of this stuff. in fact, with all of the psychology underpinnings and all of these new theories, its always good to just pick up and say "i dont know..i dont have a degree.i dont have answers." then, try to follow your heart. and, if after a period of time, you ask yourself, "is this really right for me" then you know it.
to be honest, im still on the learning process as well. i feel like im just getting started. ive met a few people who did well. ive also learned that i have one of those people in my life who didnt like me before i started doing this. now we all have a great friendship.
i gave up another extravaganza because of this. i also gave up a life in indonesia. why because some of the people ive interviewed in the last few days said the same thing - "i cant risk spending 3 years in indonesia if this isnt for me." its such a struggle to be honest. i dont want to waste your time. i dont want to waste your money. if i have to give up a major chunk of my life to help you, then im going to give it up.
see, that's what i'm talking about. my point is, some one with some degree, but i would even argue someone that has no degree, can do this. you dont need to go to harvard, or be represented by a large law firm, or a "licensed mental health provider" to do this. you just need to have some peace in you, understand what people are scared of, and love them enough to not let it prevent them from finding their own truth, even if what they are scared of is what you feel like you know. this is an emotional topic and it can be tough, but im sure there is someone out there that can help. speak to someone that works in a mental health related field, if that's what you feel that you do. i heard of a pretty big man that has had much success in this area, and he seemed like someone who can help. if you dont know anyone that works in this field, you can google and find some resources or get some help from a trainer like me that can help. see, it's not that hard, and it can be really rewarding. ill tell ya what, go find out what people are worried about or what they are scared of, and find that out for them. you dont have to do it on the phone, you can even email it to them if thats more comfortable. you dont have to be rich, you dont have to be a certified "life coach" or guru, you dont have to be famous, you dont have to be some perfect perfect person. you just need to love people, and be ok with others being scared or feeling bad. get to know yourself and you will know how to give someone true love. it may not be your first priority in life, but it will be your one in a million. 3d9ccd7d82