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Can You Return A Car After You Buy It


Can You Return A Car After You Buy It

With new and used car prices at record highs and a nationwide inventory shortage, some shoppers might be tempted to rush through a deal without giving it much thought. But what happens if you later have buyer's remorse, whether it be from too high of a car payment, buying an overpriced extended warranty, or realizing your new car isn't actually what you wanted Is it possible to cancel the deal and return your car

Most retail stores will give you the option to return clothes and products for a refund if you regret the purchase. But that's almost never the case with new cars, for which return and refund policies and laws are notoriously strict. Even so, consumers with buyer's remorse ask us all the time: Can I cancel the transaction

When it comes to new cars, the answers are "no" and "maybe." (If you're a used-car buyer, you might have better luck returning the car, but it all depends on the state where you live and the individual dealership's policies.)

Consumers who cry foul on price are at least partially to blame. Preparation and research are essential for such a large purchase, and if you're on the brink of a deal in the showroom and think you don't have sufficient information to proceed, don't. It's better to not buy the car than to argue after the fact that you paid too much. Your best bet is to do your pricing research online and work out a nearly painless deal with the dealership's internet sales manager.

He added: "The best way to resolve these misunderstandings is to simply return to the dealership and ask to speak to the manager in a calm tone. Drama and shouting does not impress. Asking for help does."

Another avenue is the Better Business Bureau. Ideally, the time to check the dealership for consumer complaints is before you buy a car. The same goes for Edmunds' Dealer Ratings & Reviews and other online reviews such as those posted on Google or Yelp. But after the fact, you might be able to get the BBB to bring some pressure on the dealership to resolve a dispute. Short of that, threatening to give a dealer a bad rating or review online, or on a manufacturer's post-purchase survey, might carry some weight.

When the responses to your plea to unwind a deal are likely to be "no" or "maybe," it's best to never put yourself in the position of asking. Avoid the unwind bind by being a prepared car buyer who knows a car's pricing, reads the sales contract carefully, and fully inspects the car before taking ownership.FAQsHow many days do you have to return a carThere is no set number of days for returning a car since it is not a common occurrence. For the most part, once the contract has been signed, you cannot return the vehicle. That said, there are some used car dealerships, such as CarMax, that have a 30-day return policy, but those are the exception rather than the rule. Learn moreWhat is the best way to return a carYou'll want to start with the sales manager and plead your case. If that doesn't work, try the general manager. But since returning a vehicle isn't usually permitted, this approach isn't guaranteed to work. If it was a used car with a limited return policy, make sure to bring the vehicle back within the predetermined time frame. Learn moreCan I return a car if I don't like itNo. Buyer's remorse or "I changed my mind and I don't like this car" isn't a valid reason to return a vehicle. Make sure to do all your research and conduct a thorough test drive to avoid this situation entirely. Learn moreIs it bad to return a car to the dealerIt isn't "bad" to return a car to the dealer, but it is bad to get your hopes up that this will actually work. In most cases, you can't return a vehicle after signing the contract. The only exceptions are used car dealerships that have limited return policies, but you need to know what the limitations are before deciding to purchase the vehicle. Learn moreEdmunds RecommendsFind out what your car is really worthAppraise My CarSe


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